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Going Yard Baseball Academy Scholarship Fund

The Going Yard Scholarship fund has been developed with two main mandates. First, to help Going Yard athletes take post-secondary opportunities and secondly, to help players attend the baseball academy.  Funds from this non-profit entity will be awarded to players in the Going Yard Baseball academy to help these players reach their goals and make their post-secondary aspirations a reality. We would like to create more opportunities for our Saskatoon and surrounding area players to train at a high-level. These funds will be granted to players working hard towards post-secondary goals to help them train more often.



Create a positive and high-level training environment for aspiring baseball athletes in Saskatchewan. Teach our players the tools needed to be successful athletes. Create as many post-secondary baseball opportunities as possible for our players. Funds will be allocated to players in the Going Yard Baseball Academy to aid and in and increase training opportunities.  



Providing more Saskatchewan baseball players the opportunity to reach their post-secondary goals. Increasing the quality of baseball competitions around Saskatchewan. The Scholarship Fund has been developed to help players financially in their pursuit of post-secondary opportunities. Funds will be allocated through awards annually to players to use towards their post-secondary education. 

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We are an official Drop & Go Group with SARCAN. People across Saskatchewan can donate their container refunds to our group! All they need to know is: Go Goats! This is the team phrase we registered. And this is all you have to reference when you drop off your cans or bottles and they will get donated directly to an aspiring baseball player. 


Enter the phrase "Go Goats!" at any  Drop & Go kiosk at their local SARCAN and a refund for all of the containers dropped off.


We receive email notifications each time someone donates. We will be sure to have apparel giveaways and other prizes for those who donate to our cause. 


Thank you for donating! 


- Going Yard Baseball 

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